..friends in solitude


The Thin Line

Teddyboy_81 has signed back in

Teddyboy_81: sori, bo.. interupsi sedikit tadi.. biasalah nyokap..
Grassflower: gpp.. santai..

Grassflower status is now “Am I ready to be brokenhearted all over again?”

Teddyboy_81: dooo.. segitunya sih..
Grassflower: hehe.. ga tau ya, bo..
Grassflower: i just don’t understand why i always let men do this to me..
Grassflower: i mean.. playing around with my heart..
Grassflower: my feelings..
Teddyboy_81: mungkin kalimatnya harus diubah bo..
Teddyboy_81: bukan why you always let men to that to you
Teddyboy_81: but
Teddyboy_81: why you always let YOURSELF do that to.. well.. yourself :D..
Grassflower: i guess i’m just simply stupid..
Teddyboy_81: no, you’re just simply in love..
Teddyboy_81: you’re not stupid, you’re just in love..
Grassflower: kalau begitu
Grassflower: there’s a very thin line between being in love and being stupid ya, bo?
Teddyboy_81: precisely
Teddyboy_81: just be very careful not to cross the line
Grassflower: otherwise i’ll be stupidly in love :D?
Teddyboy_81: hahahaha.. good point..
Grassflower: bo.. gtg.. harus jemput bokap di airport..
Teddyboy_81: wokeh, deh..
Teddyboy_81: take care grassflower who’s stupidly in love..
Grassflower: haha.. tq.. you too..
Grassflower: ttyl..
Teddyboy_81: cu..

Grassflower has signed out


Wanda said...

"..there’s a very thin line between being in love and being stupid.."

my favourite line :)

Lucky said...

bukannya: being in love = being stupid yak? ;p
Saya link yak!

Neng Asti said...

bukan pak.. beda itu.. being in love not necessarilly being stupid.. all you gotta do in the game of love is play it smart.. and if i said 'the game of love' bukan maksud cinta hanya sekedar permainan *halah8.. tapi ,maksudnya.. ya gitu lah.. bingung ngejelasinnya.. hahahha.. nanti ya pak saya jelasin oanjang lebar kalau udah bisa mikir *blame the pms, hihi*..